
Face-to-face with Ningaloo’s living miracles

Face-to-face with Ningaloo’s living miracles

Oct 13, 2018

“Places like Exmouth Gulf are vanishingly precious. They help keep our natural estate and our world heritage assets alive. They challenge and feed our scientific knowledge. And they help keep ordinary citizens sane. So, this development is an awful prospect, a disaster in the making.” See Tim Winton’s story in The Guardian and The Observer.



As fear lifts, Ningaloo faces its own existential threat

As fear lifts, Ningaloo faces its own existential threat

"There is a promontory on our wild west coast where you watch streams of humpbacks puff and breach their way past shimmering lagoons and endless pale beaches. You’d be standing on ancient red powder on what we now call the North West Cape and what you’re looking over...

If you love Ningaloo, it’s time to step up and defend it.