An important new report from Deloitte, commissioned by the WA government has found the Ningaloo region, including Exmouth Gulf, supports more than 1000 full-time jobs & contributes more than $110 million to the WA economy, 90% from tourism (2018-19FY).
In response to the report, Protect Ningaloo director, Paul Gamblin, said, “This new analysis confirms the enormous economic and job-creation value of Ningaloo’s natural attractions. If we want to secure the region’s jobs and have a healthy long-term economic future for Ningaloo and Exmouth Gulf, we must look after these natural draw-cards and not countenance industrial proposals that undermine them.
It’s why so many Ningaloo locals oppose the industrial deepwater port proposed near Exmouth. It’s high time for a smart vision for the area that complements Ningaloo – Exmouth Gulf’s natural qualities, and this new analysis is a solid contribution to that.
The report makes clear that Ningaloo – Exmouth Gulf also have considerable cultural, social and ecosystem services values that the analysis didn’t quantify but that add greatly to the region’s importance to the community. The case for protecting Ningaloo-Exmouth Gulf was clear already, this report makes it emphatic.”