The Reef, the Range and the Gulf have inspired people for generations.
Some have come to catch a feed, some have come to camp and hike, many have come to swim with the world’s biggest fish and dive on one of the last healthy coral reefs in the world. Many scientists and researchers have devoted their lives to the study of these unrepeatable natural wonders and the town of Exmouth has become a global hub for nature tourism. Ningaloo continues to enchant, amaze and educate anyone lucky enough to encounter it.

“A lot of us have shared some beautiful memories up there. It’s a sacred place that has been thriving way before we came along. The least we could do is work together to protect it.” – Koi Child
“A lot of us have shared some beautiful memories up there. It’s a sacred place that has been thriving way before we came along. The least we could do is work together to protect it.” – Koi Child
Scientists and Researchers
Local Protectors
Tourism Protectors