
The Reef, the Range and the Gulf have inspired people for generations.

Some have come to catch a feed, some have come to camp and hike, many have come to swim with the world’s biggest fish and dive on one of the last healthy coral reefs in the world. Many scientists and researchers have devoted their lives to the study of these unrepeatable natural wonders and the town of Exmouth has become a global hub for nature tourism.  Ningaloo continues to enchant, amaze and educate anyone lucky enough to encounter it.

“A lot of us have shared some beautiful memories up there. It’s a sacred place that has been thriving way before we came along. The least we could do is work together to protect it.” – Koi Child

“A lot of us have shared some beautiful memories up there. It’s a sacred place that has been thriving way before we came along. The least we could do is work together to protect it.” – Koi Child


Di Morrissey

“I’m proud to continue supporting the protectors of our precious Ningaloo coastline.  If we don’t act NOW, it will be too late.  Make sure you tell your grandchildren that YOU stood up for country!”

Roger Swainston

“The southern Exmouth Gulf is a very special place. It’s a rare and valuable combination; untouched, still largely unknown and right on our doorstep. As a vital part of the whole World Heritage Ningaloo ecosystem we must preserve and protect its integrity. We cannot allow its vast uninterrupted spaces, its great sweeping shallows and the life they nurture to be destroyed by allowing industrial develop in this precious southern gulf.”

John Butler

“Almost twenty years ago we stood together to protect our precious Ningaloo Reef from industrialization, and once again we’re being called to do the same Ningaloo’s nursery in Exmouth Gulf.  We the Australian community have to protect our natural wonders from a fossil fuel industry that’s had its day and should make way for renewables.”

Fiona Stanley

“It’s important that we have a long-term vision that ensures our children have a healthy and sustainable future, and to do that we need to protect our natural environment from pollution, degradation and industrial pressure. Safeguarding precious ecosystems like Exmouth Gulf is vital. Our children’s futures are at stake.”


“This stretch of the West Australian coast is extremely special. Each of us travelled to Ningaloo as kids with our families. It evokes such warm nostalgia. The magic must be preserved for future generations. Fight for the Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo!”

Ben Elton

“When will we say enough is enough? Short term profit for a few and a deceptively small (and short term) contribution to jobs and the local economy are a pretty poor trade off for what is left of our natural world. The only answer is renewable energy and a halt to this insane planetary vandalism. We do not inherit the Earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children.”

Missy Higgins

“The world is losing wild places fast and Ningaloo is one of the last we have. So let’s defend Ningaloo’s Nursery from industrialisation. Join”

Bernard Fanning

“Ningaloo is precious, and so is the Gulf that keeps it alive. Fight for Exmouth Gulf.”

Tim Winton

“Australians love Ningaloo and they’ll fight for it. 100,000 of them proved that back in 2003 and they made history. Once they hear what’s being planned for Ningaloo’s Nursery they’ll rise up and do it again.”

Peter Garrett

“Ningaloo Reef is a miracle and a gift.  It’s one of the last great wild places left on earth, so why would anyone put Ningaloo’s nursery at risk?  Don’t let it happen.  Protect Ningaloo!”

Luc Longley

“I was proud to be a part of Save Ningaloo back in the day, and I’m still proud to support Protect Ningaloo. The Gulf needs more protection, not more pressure.”

Scientists and Researchers

Asia Armstrong

“A large number of manta rays enter Exmouth Gulf seasonally to forage, clean and engage in courtship behaviour. As such, the region likely represents important habitat for this highly mobile species, and development has the potential to impact manta rays migration and livelihood.”

John Totterdell

“Exmouth Gulf is a significant marine habitat on a number of fronts. The western Gulf is critical during the humpback whale mating and calving season (July to November). The inner reaches of the Gulf are the life blood for many of the animals and organisms that make up Ningaloo Reef. Industrial activity of this nature and on this scale is not compatible in a marine location of such ecological significance.”

Catherine Lovelock

“Globally, coastal wetlands are important for supporting fisheries and biodiversity, providing coastal protection, improving water quality, and are important culturally and for tourism. As global warming already impacts the health of these systems, we need them protected, not industrialised.”

Local Protectors

Ellece Nicholls

“Living in Exmouth and working in tourism for the past eight years has led me to explore Ningaloo Reef nearly everyday of the year. The richness and diversity of Ningaloo amazes myself and tourists from all over the world. I am so passionate in keeping Ningaloo pristine for generations to come. Putting our environment first will bring benefits for the tourism economy and Exmouth’s community in the future.”

Jessica Smith

“The Exmouth Gulf is critical habitat for an abundance of unique marine flora and fauna. As a local, a marine biologist and someone who has worked in tourism, I am aware how vulnerable wildlife and marine habitats are to industrial development. I believe we need to protect the Exmouth Gulf and use our natural assets toward a sustainable future for the town.”

Emma Tothill

“I love how untouched the Ningaloo coast is by industry and I desperately want the gulf to remain as it is. The area has World Heritage status for a reason. Let’s please keep it that way!”

Rob Chapman

“I first visited Exmouth in August 1989. A friend had told me of the great uncrowded surf that awaited at a place he said was the Last Frontier. I immediately fell in love with the beauty of this unique land where the Cape Range divided two completely different waters and environments. I am very passionate about the environmental protection of the area and this includes not only the Ningaloo Reef and Cape Range, but the amazing Exmouth Gulf , Heron Point and the Bay of Rest. I would like my Grandchildren and their children to experience the Last Frontier in the same way as I have had the privilege of enjoying it.”

Amanda Campbell

“I am a mother of two children who have grown up in Exmouth. I live on the Exmouth Gulf at Pebble Beach. My husband and I chose this location for it’s pristine environment. We want our children to continue experiencing our link with the natural environment, and cannot rationalise their future here with a creep of industrialisation into an area that has significant ecological values. Surely some places need to be conserved.”

Katie Honnery

“It’s an absolute privilege to live here, next to the Ningaloo Reef. This place is unique and beautiful and we should be looking after it. Why would we risk damaging an ocean that gives us so much, just for some jobs. Most of us moved here for the lifestyle, not employment.”

Pete Firth

“Preserving the Gulf is vital to the health of the Ningaloo Reef.”

Nancy Burrow

“Exmouth Gulf is a place of supreme peace and
un-molested beauty. Let it be.”

Anne and Kai

The Social Society Cafe, Exmouth.

Tourism Protectors

Sandy Burt

As a tour operator in the Exmouth Gulf I see first hand the enjoyment experienced by visitors when they first see the abundance of life in the Gulf. It’s the spot Humpback whales choose to rest, nurse and teach their young because provides a secure sanctuary. But this natural phenomena is threatened by industrialisation. It must not be allowed.

Brett Wolf

“Subsea 7 have everything to gain if this project is approved, and Exmouth gains pretty much nothing, except an invasion of industry into our pristine Gulf waters.”

Debbie and Mark Ferguson – Exmouth Dive Centre

“Having been involved in eco-tourism for over 20 years, we understand how critical areas like the Ningaloo Reef & Exmouth Gulf are to maintaining a healthy and sustainable ecosystem. Small changes within these areas can have a serious knock-on effect.  It would be horrific to see one of the worlds most pristine and well kept tourism destinations changed for the benefit of oil & gas.”


Griff G

(11 years old)

“You have no idea which animals you’re going to see when you snorkel at Ningaloo. You see different species each time.

We want to keep Ningaloo going so new people who come can also have a great time, and the animals will still be there. If we don’t, it will just be a plain old place.”

Dennis Beros

(Campaign Co-ordinator Save Ningaloo)

“15,000 folks marched for Ningaloo. One in ten cars had a Save Ningaloo sticker on it. One thing’s for sure: if the reef is the beautiful face of Ningaloo, the karst limestone of the Cape Range is the backbone, and the Gulf’s ecosystems are the vital organs.”

Trevor Bird

“I have marvelled at the colour of the water as we fly into Exmouth, braided streams crisscrossing the pin dan as it joins the shore boundaries. Industrialisation slaughters Exmouth Gulf and all it provides to Ningaloo Reef.”