
Media Releases

Gulf shores included in new parks plans

Gulf shores included in new parks plans

The WA government has announced ambitious new additions to the state’s conservation estate, including the former Giralia station and lands on the eastern side of Exmouth Gulf. An encouraging first step on the road to giving Ningaloo’s Nursery the...

Vessels pose risk to whales in Exmouth Gulf

Vessels pose risk to whales in Exmouth Gulf

To avoid predators, mother and baby humpbacks communicate in 'whispers'. But Prof Lars Bejder suggests more large vessels and increased noise in Ningaloo’s nursery will ‘mask’ humpback whale communication. That means mothers won’t hear their calves, and...

Prime humpback whale nursery could become site of conflict: study

Prime humpback whale nursery could become site of conflict: study

Recent research suggests that Ningaloo's whales will be at risk from industrialisation. "The recovering population cannot afford to have this habitat damaged or degraded," said our campaigner, Jeremy Tager in The Australian, "It’s a timely reminder that...

Mangroves are crucial.  But they’re disappearing.

Mangroves are crucial. But they’re disappearing.

They might be considered “the armpits of the oceans”, but mangroves, salt marshes and seagrass are crucial in the fight against climate change. Watch this report on ABC’s 7.30 featuring the inspiring Dr Peter Macreadie and Protect Ningaloo science...

Eastern curlews.  A miracle of nature.  In Ningaloo’s nursery.

Eastern curlews. A miracle of nature. In Ningaloo’s nursery.

Exmouth Gulf is home to the world’s largest migratory shorebird, the Eastern Curlew. But in the past 30 years the global population of Eastern Curlews has crashed by 80%, mostly due to habitat loss as tidal flats, mangroves and shorelines are chewed up by...

Business as usual is killing our country

Business as usual is killing our country

“Experience has taught citizens that when it comes to defending the places they love, every step of the process is weighted in favour of the corporation. Planning is often a closed-door affair, as it has been at Exmouth Gulf. Access to information is...

Saving Ningaloo. Again

Saving Ningaloo. Again

"In 2002, 100,000 Australians stood up for Ningaloo Reef. Fifteen thousand marched in Fremantle to save it. Those earlier defenders of Ningaloo haven’t gone away." See Tim Winton's essay in the December-January issue of The Monthly....

Locals defend Ningaloo’s Nursery

Locals defend Ningaloo’s Nursery

In October senior journalist Sharon Davis, from The Monthly Hour, flew to Exmouth from Sydney to interview locals defending Ningaloo's nursery. Listen to the podcast to learn more. https://www.themonthly.com.au/hour/december-2018

Conservationists Fear New oil and Gas Facility in Exmouth

Conservationists Fear New oil and Gas Facility in Exmouth

Fishers, tour operators and environmentalists say Subsea 7's proposed pipeline facility at Heron Point is "as welcome as a rat on a birthday cake". See the story by Trevor Paddenburg in The Sunday Times and Perth Now....